SSC JE Coaching in Chandigarh

SSC JE is one of the achievable exams for engineering students. Cracking this exam is not a cakewalk but if you prepare it with sheer dedication and proper planning you will definitely have ensured success.
Coaching institutes help you in many aspects related to SSC JE exams such as speed accuracy, time management, easy way for learning important dates and days. But if your subjective knowledge is good then you should do self-practice with a different set of questions.
In this article, we have shared great formulas so that you can crack aptitude in SSC JE in a very 1st attempt. For cracking SSC Junior Engineering Exam you need to put a lot of hard work and dedication. And the key points given below will help you in your preparations as well as delivering the expected result.
SSC JE Coaching in Chandigarh
As per the present scenario, there is a lot of demand of the engineers in the growing economy of India in public and govt. sectors.
By keeping in mind the same, GATE GURUS has started SSC-JE coaching in Chandigarh in the year 2016.
After getting a good response in this segment, on demand of the students, the institute also launched exclusive batches for AE coaching and became the First Choice among the graduate students preparing for AE coaching in Chandigarh.
Nowadays thousands of students not only preparing for SSC-JE but for the state technical exams as well.
The institute is providing coaching for the states like Himachal, Punjab, Haryana, J&K etc.
The institute has its best study material for JE/AE exam preparation.
Eligibility Criteria
- Nationality
An applicant must be one of the following:
- an Indian citizen, or
- a subject of Nepal, or
- a subject of Bhutan, or
- any Tibetan refugee with the intention of permanently settling in India came before 1st January 1962, or
- any person who has immigrated from Burma, or East African countries of Uganda, Ethiopia or Vietnam, Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zaire, and of Indian origin with the intention of setting in India.
An applicant belonging to the above categories except being an Indian citizen shall have a certificate of eligibility assigned by the Govt. of India for appearing in SSC JE Exam.
- Age Limit:
- For Junior Engineer (Civil & Electrical) in CPWD and Department of Posts, there is age limit between 18-27 years.
- For Junior Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical) in MES the age limit is that it should not be exceeding 30 years.
- For Junior Engineers (Civil & Mechanical) in CWC and Farakka Barrage, the age limit is up to 32 years.
- For Junior Engineers(Quantity Surveying and Contract) in MES, the age limit is between 18 to 27 years.
- For Junior Engineer (Civil) and Junior Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical) in Border Roads Organisation (BRO) of Ministry of Defence, the age limit is that it should not exceed 30 years.
* Permissible relaxation of upper age limit as per government rules.
SSC JE Vacancy
Updated vacancy for SSC JE 2019 Exam has been released by the staff selection commission of India. There is a total of 1601 vacancy which has been declared for SSC JE 2019 Exam.
SSC JE Application Fee
Candidates For SSC JE application fee 2019-20 Exam candidates are required to pay Rs. 100/-. Candidates belonging to reserved categories, Female candidates and Ex. serviceman are exempted from paying the application fee. Applicants can choose any of the modes to pay the fee, it can be paid both online through net banking, debit card or credit card and by offline through e-challan.
SSC JE Exam Pattern
Two phases carrying a total of 500 marks are conducted in SSC JE Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Paper 1 holds 200 marks where candidate’s test is based on general awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Engineering (civil & structural), General Engineering (electrical) and General Engineering (mechanical) within the time period of 2 hours.
Paper 2 holds 300 marks where candidate is judged on the basis of following subjects Part A- General Eng. (civil & structural), Part B- General Eng. (electrical) and Part C- General Eng. (mechanical) within the time period of 2 hours.
Exam |
Subjects |
Maximum Marks |
Paper - I |
General Awareness |
50 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
50 |
Part A- General Engineering (civil & structural) |
100 |
Part B- General Engineering (electrical) |
Part C- General Engineering (mechanical) |
Paper - II |
Part A- General Eng. (civil & structural) |
300 |
Part B- General Eng. (electrical) |
Part C- General Eng. (mechanical) |
There are Multiple Choice Questions for both paper 1 and 2 and for every wrongly attempted question, there is negative marking of 0.25 marks in both the papers.
Those candidates who are willing to appear for the post of JE (civil), JE (quantity surveying & contract) should attempt Part A (civil & structural) of paper I & II.
And the one who is appearing for JE (electrical) need to attempt Part B (electrical) & the candidates appearing for JE (mechanical) need to attempt Part C (mechanical) of Paper I & II.
SC Junior Engineer Selection Process Details
Selection procedure for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Junior Engineer Examination is just like other competitive Exams.
It is conducted in two stages:
Stage 1: Written Test which holds 500 marks.
Stage 2: Interview which holds 100 marks.
Stage 1: Written Test: Written test consists of two papers viz Paper -I and Paper-II. Part I will be Objective type questions for 200 marks and Paper II will have Conventional type questions for 300 marks. The time duration for each paper will be 2 hours.
Stage 2: Personality Test (Interview): Only those candidates are eligible for the interview who had at least secured the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission at its discretion. It is conducted for 100 Marks.
On the basis of total marks in the Written Examination and Interview candidates are further recommended for appointment by the Commission.
Resolution of Tie Cases: Where more than one candidate secure the equal aggregates marks, in that case, tie is resolved by applying the following methods:-
(i) Total marks scored in written examination.
(ii) Marks scored in Paper-II.
(iii) Marks scored in Paper-I.
(iv) Date of birth (with that older candidate is placed higher).
(v) Alphabetical order (the first names of the candidates appear)
Note-I: The Commission may, its discretion fix minimum qualifying standards in the interview.
Procedure and document requirement for SSC JE document verification
Applicants are required to present on time at the reporting place. Required Documents such Birth Certificate, Caste Certificate, Qualification starting from class 10 to Graduate/Diploma, Identification Proof and photograpghs are checked by the concerned authority at SSC Office once you reached the destination.
SSC JE 2019 Syllabus
Standards of the questions in engineering subjects exam are set approximately at the level of diploma in civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering from any recognized Board, Institute or university by All India Board of Technical Education. All the questions are strictly set in SI units.
Paper1 contains objective type question where OMR Answer Sheets are provided to the candidates. Subjects are:
(i) General Intelligence & Reasoning of maximum 50 marks
(ii) General Awareness of maximum 50 marks
(iii)Part –A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part-B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) of maximum 50 marks.
Time duration is for 2 hours.[10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon]
Paper2 contains Conventional Type questions, subjects are:
Part –A General Engineering (Civil & Structural) OR Part – B General Engineering (Electrical) OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical) of maximum 100 marks.
Time duration is for 2 hours.[2.00PM to 4.00 PM]
Note I: Paper -I and Paper-III for General Engineering, the candidate will be required to attempt only one part i.e. Part-A or Part-B or Part-C as per option given in the application form by the candidate.e. In other words, the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), Junior Engineer(Quantity Surveying & Contract) should attempt Part A (Civil & Structural) of Paper-I and Paper-II and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) should attempt Part-B (Electrical) and the candidates appearing for the post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) should attempt Part C (Mechanical) of Paper-I and Paper-II failing which he/she would be awarded zero marks.
Note-II: Candidates are allowed to bring their own Slide–Rule, Non-Programmable Calculator, Logarithm Tables and Steam Table for Paper-II only. They are not allowed to use such aids for Paper-I.
- Personality Test (Interview): Personality test will be conducted for 100 marks. Only those candidates who secure at least the minimum qualifying marks in the written examination as may be fixed by the Commission at its discretion, will be eligible to appear in the Interview.
The syllabus for SSC JE 2019 Exam covers major three sections:
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Awareness
- Technical Subjects (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil & Structural)
Detailed syllabus for all these sections separately are the following:
Under General Intelligence and Reasoning there are:
- Analogies, Similarities
- Differences, Space Visualization
- Problem Solving, Analysis
- judgment, Decision Making
- Visual Memory, Discrimination
- Observation, Relationship Concepts
- Arithmetical Reasoning, Verbal And Figure Classification
- Arithmetical Number Series Etc
- Abstract Ideas And Symbols And Their Relationships
- Arithmetical Computations
- Other Analytical Functions
Under General Awareness there are: - Current Affairs
- India and its neighboring countries
- History
- Culture
- Geography
- Economic Science
- General Polity and Scientific Research, etc
Under Technical Subjects there are:
Basic concepts.
- Circuit law.
- Magnetic Circuit.
- AC Fundamentals.
- Measurement and Measuring Instruments.
- Electrical Machines.
- Fractional Kilowatt Motors and single phase induction Motors.
- Synchronous Machines.
- Generation.
- Transmission and Distribution.
- Estimation and Costing.
- Utilization and Electrical Energy.
- Basic Electronics.
- Theory of Machines and Machine Design.
- Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials.
- Properties of Pure Substances.
- 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
- IC Engines Combustion.
- Air standard Cycles for IC Engines.
- IC Engine Performance.
- IC Engine Cooling & Lubrication.
- Rankine cycle of System.
- Boilers.
- Classification.
- Specification.
- Fitting & Accessories.
- Air Compressors & their cycles.
- Refrigeration cycles.
- The principle of Refrigeration Plant.
- Nozzles & Steam Turbines.
- Properties & Classification of Fluids.
- Fluid Statics, Measurement of Fluid Pressure.
- Fluid kinematics.
- Dynamics of Ideal fluids.
- Measurement of Flow rate.
Basic principles.
- Hydraulic Turbines.
- Centrifugal Pumps.
- Classification of steels.
- Building Materials.
- Estimating, Costing, and Valuation.
- Surveying.
- Soil Mechanics.
- Hydraulics.
- Irrigation Engineering.
- Transportation Engineering.
- Environmental Engineering.
- Theory of Structures.
- Concrete Technology.
- RCC Design, Steel Design.
SSC is conducting ssc je 2019 exam to recruit eligible candidates for the post of junior engineering Staff Selection Commission of India has released the updated vacancy for SSC JE 2019 Exam. A total of 1601 vacancy has been declared for SSC JE 2019 Exam
The exam dates for SSC JE 2018-19 has been released with its Official Notification. SC JE 2018-19 Exam Dates are mentioned below. All students are required to visit this page regularly to get updates about SSC JE 2018-19 Exam.
Events Dates
Notification Release Date 1st February 2019
Last Date to Apply Online 25th February 2019 (till 5:00 PM)
Tier-I Admit Card September 2019
Commencement of Tier-I Exam 23rd September 2019 to 27th September 2019 (CBE)
Commencement of Tier-II Exam 29th December 2019 (DES)(SUNDAY)
SSC JE 2019 Online Application
SSC JE 2019 Online Application will start from 1st February 2019. All candidates can apply online for SSC JE 2019 Exam by clicking on the link mentioned below:
Click Here to Apply Online for SSC JE 2018-19 Exam
SSC JE 2019-20 Exam Dates
Events Dates
Notification Release Date 1st August 2019
Last Date to Apply Online 28th August 2019 (till 5:00 PM)
Tier-I Admit Card To be notified later
Commencement of Tier-I Exam To be notified later (CBE)
What is the complete process of SSC JE selection?
The selection process for SSC JE will consist of two stages; Preliminary exam (Paper I), and Mains exam (Paper II). While these are the two stages you must clear in order to qualify for SSC JE (Junior Engineer) 2019 job. In simple words, below is the mentioned roadmap for SSC JE Selection Process
- Filling the application form ⇒ Preliminary exam (Paper I)
If Qualified,
- Mains exam (Paper II)
If Qualified,
- Document Verification ⇒ Allotment to the various posts
- Medical Examination
Applicants who are applying should be in the age group of 18-32 years and must possess a degree/diploma in Engineering to apply for the recruitment process. Read all the complete necessary details of SSC JE 2019 exam procedure from the article below.
Posts Offered – SSC JE Exam 2019
The posts to be offered by SSC under Participating organizations i.e. Central Water Commission, CPWD, Department of Post and MES are:
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Civil
- (Quantity Surveying and Contract
- Electrical and Mechanical
Now let’s take a detailed review of the SSC JE Selection Process 2019 and the steps involved in it:
Step 1 – SSC JE 2019 Application Form
The first and foremost step of the SSC JE 2019 selection process is to fill up the application form. The SSC JE application form was available from 1st February to 25th February 2019. All the candidates must have filled up the application form. The application form could be filled online and candidates need to pay Rs.100/- as application fees barring candidates from reserved categories.
Step 2 – Appearing for Paper 1
As we have already mentioned, the selection procedure includes attempting the SSC JE Paper 1. We have mentioned the pattern of Paper 1 below which states it is held online and consists of three sections General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Engineering (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical). Paper 1 of SSC JE is of 200 marks and the duration of the exam is of 2 hours.
The exam dates for SSC JE 2018-19 has been released with its Official Notification. SC JE 2018-19 Exam Dates are mentioned below. All students are required to visit this page regularly to get updates about SSC JE 2018-19 Exam.
Events Dates
Notification Release Date 1st February 2019
Last Date to Apply Online 25th February 2019 (till 5:00 PM)
Tier-I Admit Card September 2019
Commencement of Tier-I Exam 23rd September 2019 to 27th September 2019 (CBE)
Commencement of Tier-II Exam 29th December 2019 (DES)(SUNDAY)
SSC JE 2019 Online Application
SSC JE 2019 Online Application will start from 1st February 2019. All candidates can apply online for SSC JE 2019 Exam by clicking on the link mentioned below:
Click Here to Apply Online for SSC JE 2018-19 Exam
SSC JE 2019-20 Exam Dates
Events Dates
Notification Release Date 1st August 2019
Last Date to Apply Online 28th August 2019 (till 5:00 PM)
Tier-I Admit Card To be notified later
Commencement of Tier-I Exam To be notified later (CBE)